Above: National Geographic Explorer passengers explore Lallemand Fjord

What to Pack for a Trip to Antarctica

In advance of departure, we received a digital Expedition Guide from Lindblad for our trip, which included a detailed packing list, as well as thorough information about binocular and camera equipment. I would offer the following additional suggestions to make the journey even more enjoyable.

Sun Hat

Although the recommended headgear is a wool ski cap, it cannot counter direct sun. The Squall Cap from Lands’ End is insulated, and has a fold-down flap that covers ears and the back of the neck, as well as a brim large enough to block direct sunlight. I worried that the brim might cause it to fly off on windy days, but that never proved to be a problem.

Fleece Boot Insoles

Knee-high waterproof boots are a must. Even though we wore wool socks, I inserted fleece insoles. Others complained of cold feet; we did not.

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Above: National Geographic Explorer passengers explore Lallemand Fjord

Read More from Our Trip:

Antarctic Cruise Adventure The Many Guises of Ice A Wealth of Wildlife An Antarctic Reading and Viewing List Time Travel at Port Lockroy