Above: Hotel d’Angleterre, Copenhagen - ANDREW HARPER EDITOR

Scenes From Copenhagen

Most people spend only a few days in Copenhagen, typically before or after a Nordic cruise, but oh, the things they must miss! We spent a full week there, exploring the city by bike, enjoying the whimsy of Tivoli Gardens and taking a day trip north to see not only the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art but also a centuries-old castle, Kronborg Slot, and the home of Karen Blixen, the author of “Out of Africa.” Other highlights included the cuisine of Copenhagen — both traditional and New Nordic — and the fine museums. Here are scenes from the city, including the two hotels where we had undercover stays: Hotel d’Angleterre, which remains the best address, and The Nimb, which has plenty to offer but still has room for improvement. Read our full review here.

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Above: Hotel d’Angleterre, Copenhagen - ANDREW HARPER EDITOR

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