Above: Yacht excursion, Split, Croatia - GETTY IMAGES

Last Word: Using Our Expertise

Andrew Harper is perhaps most famous for its incognito hotel reviews, and we carry on the tradition to this day. Our Travel Office is also happy to book hotels for our members, of course, but our expert advisors are more than just order takers. They can help ensure that your vacation isn’t just a tour of the most obvious, most famous (and most crowded) places. We editors consult with our advisors regularly, apprising them of recent discoveries, and they venture out on “familiarization trips,” which give them firsthand experience of hotels and destinations. Indeed, when planning our own anonymous editorial trips, we avail ourselves of our advisors’ expertise — they keep on top of travel news and developments at least as much as we do. And they can arrange experiences most of us wouldn’t even think of. I write this from the road, the morning after having had dinner with a former member of parliament of a certain small country. It was an utterly fascinating evening, and I wouldn’t have guessed such a meeting was possible, let alone known how to organize it. That’s why I like to get assistance from the Travel Office when planning my itineraries, and I suggest that you do the same.

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Above: Yacht excursion, Split, Croatia - GETTY IMAGES