Unlimited travel planning when you book your trip with Andrew Harper
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When I tell people I’m heading to Australia, their demeanor often turns wistful. “I’d love to go to Australia,” many say, “but I’d want to take at least three or four weeks, since I’m going all that way — there’s just so much to see.” And yes, there is a lot to see. But if you wait until you have a full month to see “everything,” you risk seeing nothing.
I recommend taking a smaller bite of Australia and returning for more if you like it. There’s no rule that you have to pack the wonders of an entire continent into a single trip! The thought of a transpacific flight may seem daunting, but once aboard the plane, I find that my sights adjust to the trip’s length and I relax. Especially for those of us fortunate enough to sit in business or first class, the flight can even be a pleasure. And once you’ve arrived, friendly, English-speaking Australia is a breeze to explore. If it’s a place that’s high on your list, just our Travel Office design a trip for you and book it. Easy. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, so to speak.