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Food is invariably one of the great pleasures of a visit to Rome. In foodie destinations, we often enroll in a cooking class, but this time we decided to take three. The classes were a fun way to spend time with some local chefs, as well as meet some fellow travelers. And in all of them, we learned some helpful tips.
Each of the options below are suitable for the amateur chef, but at least a bit of cooking experience, such as knowing basic knife skills, would be useful.
Our “Italian Sunday Lunch Class” ($110 per person) had to be moved to Monday, which meant assembling produce at the Campo de’ Fiori market, rather than at a less touristy weekly farmers market nearby. Even so, the experience was great fun. Davide, our guide and chef, started things off on the right foot, leading us to a stall for an olive oil tasting. We collected ingredients at a cheesemonger and butcher just off the square and finished at the Campo de’ Fiori’s center at one of the produce stands.