Above: Private dinner, &Beyond Mnemba Island, Zanzibar - DE WAAL RAUTENBACH

Ask Harper: Paris, Napa & Post-Safari

Dinner on the beach, &Beyond Mnemba Island, Zanzibar - De Waal Rautenbach

Although the identity of Andrew Harper is a closely guarded secret, he (or she) is not unreachable. Members regularly email in questions, and our editors endeavor to respond to them all. Every few months, we like to assemble a selection of some of the most interesting queries. Our members recently wrote in about Paris, fine dining in California wine country and post-safari beach escapes. Read on to get our editor’s feedback. 

Terrace of Restaurant Anne, Pavillon de la Reine, Paris - Jerome Galland

Q: It’s my first trip to Paris — which neighborhood should I stay in?

A: My favorite way to experience Paris is to savor it slowly — taking long walks along the Seine, spending an afternoon in a small museum and whiling away the evening at a cozy café. If that sounds ideal to you, I recommend booking a hotel in the Marais. For example, Pavillon de la Reine, next to the Place des Vosges in the 3rd arrondissement, feels a bit like a private mansion hidden in one of the city’s most fashionable neighborhoods. But if you’re here to dine at a different Michelin-starred restaurant each night, get some face time with the “Mona Lisa” and climb to the top of the Eiffel Tower, you’re better off in the 1st or 8th arrondissement. These areas are full of quintessentially Parisian palaces, but there’s no denying the magic of the Ritz Paris and Le Bristol. Two of our top-rated hotels in the city (and the world, for that matter), they are divine respites from the tourist hubbub.

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Above: Private dinner, &Beyond Mnemba Island, Zanzibar - DE WAAL RAUTENBACH