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By now, those of you who’ve opted to receive our publications in print have received the 2025 set of Andrew Harper Collection books (also available digitally and as PDFs). We’ve updated each volume and fact-checked every hotel, restaurant and travel-tip entry. These guidebooks are the most useful — and unbiased — tool on the market for the sophisticated traveler. We hope that all of our publications are inspirational and enjoyable to read, but our primary goal is to provide you with the tools to create your own extraordinary journeys in conjunction with the expert assistance of our Travel Office.
Our founder started the Hideaway Report in 1979 because of a lack of reliable information. Now the travel researcher confronts an avalanche of advice in which it’s easy to become buried. My editors and I take the time to do the research and scout destinations firsthand so we can present you with only the best and most compelling accommodations, dining venues and experiences. That way, you’re not wasting time trying to weed through the overgrowth of puff pieces by influencers who were compensated for their recommendations (or roundups written by AI). Influencers are concerned with whether their articles keep travel providers happy. I’m concerned with whether travel providers keep you, our members, happy.