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For all the beauty and adventure of a luxury stay in a remote location, one of the greatest payoffs can come after dinner. Unleashed from the net of man-made lights that brighten our cities and suburbs, the universe unfolds above you: a zillion stars, constellations, coursing meteors and psychedelic auroras. Then you truly know why you came to this far-flung place: to witness the magic. Aching for a light show? Here are 12 hotels around the world where the nighttime viewing is at its best.
Big Sur, California
The Santa Lucia Mountains block the Big Sur coastline from the lights of Monterey and San Luis Obispo, providing plush darkness over the Pacific. At Post Ranch Inn, 39 luxurious accommodations hang from the cliffside, and astronomy-loving staff treat guests to stargazing sessions on the deck beside Sierra Mar restaurant. Viewed through the 20-inch lens of the inn’s Meade telescope, space is all the more spectacular, especially with a cocktail in hand.